Where It Begins

Life isn’t all smooth sailing. We often lose our sense of direction, especially when we are young and are uncertain about the future. We hope for a moment of clarity and look for signs that’ll show us our purpose in life. Fashion allowed me the freedom to create and think creatively – I had found my passion. However, it wasn’t without its challenges…

During the beginning of education in Singapore, I often received negative comments from my peers and that made me doubt myself. I soon realised I had to move forward with all the confidence I could muster. Furthering my education in the UK allowed me to discover myself and my aesthetic. The journey ahead is long and curved but there’s a lot of good that awaits…

This Spring/Summer 2023 collection is a reflection of that. Curves, ruffles and gathers are incorporated throughout the collection to resemble the challenges we face on our non-linear journey. Organza and nets are used to create voluminous gathers while cotton drill is used to give structure to the curved lines. The use of dark colours are contrasted by light colours such as blue, pink and yellow. The lighter colours represent the rewards we reap for our hard work whereas the darker colours represent the obstacles that we face along the way.

I hope people will be able to reflect on their journeys when they see this collection. The ups and the downs. The rewards and the challenges.